Construction of wells
We execute projects in the field of water and sanitary facilities in which we also create jobs. We carry out our projects in the Matsangoni area near the town of Kilifi in Kenya. Below is an impression of the projects that we have done in recent years. Until now we have excuted 22 projects for 33.000 people, women, children, elders, men, handicapped etc. and realized WATER & SANITARY FACILITIES like toilets, showers, washbasins with mirrors. This means that the children in these rural areas at least have one hot meal per day and they are tought how to deal with hygiene. Since Corona, where we have realized 5 projects, at the schools in collaboration with the local government, hygiene is being educated which is very important to prevent desease such as cholera and typhoid.
Pilot Rainwater Harvesting Project 2023
We have realised a fantastic project. We have built an underground water tank in which 70,000/70 cubic litres of water can be stored. We have built a 2,100 WATT power plant with gutters that lead the water through a pipe to the underground water tank. We have placed an electricity tower and water tank on the underground water tank. We also built a vegetable greenhouse where crops such as tomatoes, zucchini and green beans were planted.
The power plant can also be used for charging phones, various devices such as a drill, a classroom for education of agriculture and hygiene, connecting the irrigation system for the vegetable greenhouse and much more if needed.
Our focus is that this project can be implemented in any area where there is a lack of water.
Project 2022/2023
At both schools Madeteni primary school and Roka Secundary school in Matsangoni, Kilifi county we have executed two waterwels in 2022 and we received an amazing donation of two schools in The Netherlands and from Wilde Geese, so we could finish the projects with sanitary facilities. Both videos show the official opening.
Project 2022/2023
At both schools Madeteni primary school and Roka Secundary school in Matsangoni, Kilifi county we have executed two waterwels in 2022 and we received an amazing donation of two schools in The Netherlands and from Wilde Geese, so we could finish the projects with sanitary facilities. Both videos show the official opening.
Project 2021/3-3
PILOT : Our first self-reliant women’s project near the village of Kararacha officially opened in October 2021. A well, a water tank, a sanitary block consisting of one toilet and one shower, equipped with a sink and a mirror. Financially supported by ESA Humanitarian Relief Fund. And in collaboration with Pure Concepts Ltd. we were able to place SOLAR panels and they also donated a Solar panel.
Project 2021/3-2
Clean drinking water and sanitation for primary school and residents of Foleni village in Matsangoni region, Kilifi county in Kenya. It was an honor to attend the official opening of the project in Foleni on Monday 13 September 2021 together with the team in Kenya Philip Kahindi and Morris Aziz, unfortunately Albert was unable to attend. The head of the school was very pleased because there were no facilities. With a rehearsed song from the children, so amazing.
Project 2021/3-1
Clean drinking water and sanitation for primary school and residents of Kiringi village in Matsangoni region, Kilifi county in Kenya. It was an honor to attend the official opening of the project in Kiringi on Monday 13 September 2021 together with the team in Kenya Philip Kahindi and Morris Aziz, unfortunately Albert was unable to attend. The head of the school was very pleased because there were no facilities. With a rehearsed song from the children, so amazing.
Project 2020/5-2
Clean drinking water and sanitary facilities for the primary school and the inhabitants of the village Kilodi in the region Matsangoni, Kilifi county in Kenya. We had to wait a little bit before the project was completely executed. Wednesday November 11th 2020 was the official opening together with our team in Kenia, Philip Kahindi, Morris Aziz (Albert couldn’t make it), Hassan Mweusi (MP member), principal, teachers and the children of the school. Watch the video and see for yourself.
Project 2020/5
Clean drinking water and sanitary facilities for the primary school and the inhabitants of the village Kilodi and the primary school and the inhabitants of the village Sidzeni in the region Matsangoni, Kilifi county in Kenya. The project in Sidzeni was very special because here there was no WATER/MAJI for many years and the community told us that we have changed their lives! The proces to dig for WATER was very difficult, there were rocks which contained methaan gas, so because of the heat our team had to dig during the night and sleep in the day (34C). On Sunday September 13th 2020 in 1 hour time 500 people appeared to collect WATER/MAJI!! Unbelievable!!!
Project 2020/4
Clean drinking water and sanitary facilities for the primary school and the inhabitants of the village Kilodi and the inhabitants of the village Sidzeni in the region Matsangoni, Kilifi county in Kenya.
Project 2020/3
This project was a small extra project we managed to realise this project with extra donations. This village Karararacha, we have openend the waterwell which was dry and attached to the watertower, which is multifunctional (like in all our projects) we installed a shower. This means, that we have been able to provide 650 people s.a. children, women, men, elderly and the handicapped with WATER/MAJI! The watertower is at the same time used as a waterkiosk where women and girls can sell WATER/MAJI, which means the girls don’t have to skip school during their monthly menstruation period. A very generous donation of Foundation Women & Pads!

Project 2020/1 & 2
Clean drinking WATER and Sanitary facilities for Mkongani primary school worship center and the inhabitants of the village Muthathani and Uyombo primary school and the inhabitants of the villagep Madeteni in the region Matsangoni, Kilifi county, Kenia
Project 2019/2
Clean drinking water and sanitation for the children and residents of Oyumbo Maweni and Roka Maweni in the Matsangoni region, Kilifi county, Kenya. We started with the school in Oyumbo Maweni where there was literally nothing in the middle of a cement quarry. This is the first phase of the project.
Project 2019/1
Clean drinking water and sanitation for the children and residents of Oyumbo Maweni and Roka Maweni in the Matsangoni region, Kilifi county, Kenya. We started with the school in Oyumbo Maweni where there was literally nothing in the middle of a cement quarry. This is the first phase of the project.
Project 2018
Clean drinking water and sanitation for the medical clinic in the village of Maramu in the Matsangoni region, Kilifi county, Kenya
Project 2017
Clean drinking water and sanitation for the children of the school in Mpenda Kula and the residents of Mpenda Kula, Matsangoni, Kenya
Project 2016
Clean drinking water and sanitation for the residents of Baraka, Kenya i.s.m. Wilde Ganzen / BIS / Flo Flo Foundation.
The video is Phase 1 of this project February / March 2016. Phase 2 ‘sanitary facilities’ was completed in September 2016
Project 2015
In 2015 we did an i.s.m project. Wilde Ganzen / BIS / Flo Flo Foundation for clean drinking water and sanitation for the residents of Mgongani, Kenya.
Benefit evenings 2013 en 2014
Meet people with a warm heart for Africa
With this theme, we organized a benefit evening in 2013 and 2014. Both evenings were very successful. In 2013 we collected more than € 7,500 and in 2014 we collected more than € 10,000.
The evenings were full of music, tasty snacks and great prices. We want to thank all sponsors, attendees and co-organizers again.
Below you can view the old web pages of these benefit evenings:
Project 2013
Thanks in part to the benefit evening in 2013, we had raised enough money to install a new water pump in Matsangoni. With this we can provide water to six hundred residents of villages in the Matsangoni area.